Friday, August 17, 2007

The Role of Whey Protein in Your Diet

The best food is colostrum, the first food your mother produced after giving birth. It is best because it is at the right temperature (not cooked) at 37 C, delivered to you directly without processing and without preservatives. So how do we get such food when we become adults? Without pasteurization, with low fat, no lactose and casein, such perfect food can be delivered by Immunotec Inc. from Montreal, developed by Dr. Bounous, a surgeon at McGill University, which was patented in the U.S.A., Canada, Japan and Australia.

Start your day with this whey protein, or any other, that has been produced from cows milk without high temperatures) and rehydrated in water and thus, as liquid, is very easily absorbed from an empty stomach before you consume any solid breakfast. Eating whey protein at breakfast, or before as the first drink of the day, gives you precursors for the production of glutathione. Remember to drink milk serum protein 20-30 minutes before you start your breakfast to prevent any precipitation.

It is interesting to compare the proportions of the components of cows 1 milk and human milk, to see the differences, including the fact that milk may cause serious allergies.

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